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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Programs asked in interview

  • Write a program to track the Number of Objects created for a class
  • Write a program to demonstrate method overriding
  • Write a program to display unique vowels present in word
  • Write a regular expression to denote all 10 digit mobile Numbers
  • Write a Program to check whether the File exists or not. If yes then print its content?
  • Write a program to find the number of occurrences of each character present in the given String? Input: AABBDDD   Output: A2B2D3
  • Write a python function, as even(n), that takes an integer value and returns True if n is even, and False otherwise. However, your function cannot use the multiplication, modulo, or division operators
  • Write a Program to count number of lists in a list of lists
  • Write a Python program to search a literals string in a string and also find the location within the original string where the pattern occurs 
                sample text : 'This is Srishti's house in Bangalore and her pet name is Ricky.'
                search word : 'pet'
  • Write a program to read Image File and write to a New Image File?
  • Write a program to get all phone Numbers of by using Web Scraping and Regular Expressions
  • Write a program to print duplicates from a list of integers
  • Write a program to print the number of Lines, Words and Characters present in given file
  • Write a program to remove duplicate characters from the string

      output: ABCDEFS
  • Write a Python Program to check whether the given Number is valid Mobile Number?
  • Write a Python Program to extract all Mobile Numbers present in given file where numbers are mixed with Normal Text Data
  • Write a Python Program to check whether the given mail id is valid gmail id ?
  • Write a Python Program to check whether given Car Registration Number is valid Karnataka State Registration?
  • Write a program to print characters at odd position and even position for the given string?
  • Write a test program that counts and displays the number of iterations of the following loop:
while sampleSize > 0:
sampleSize = sampleize // 2
  • Implement a Fibonacci sequence iterable using both generator & regular iterator.
  • Write a Program to accept list from keyboard on to the display
  • Can you break the given string into words, provided by a given hashmap of frequency of word as <word: n>
HashMap -> {"abc":3, "ab":2, "abca":1}
String: abcabcabcabca
output: Yes; [ abc, abc, abc , abca ]
HashMap -> {"abc":3, "ab":2}
String: abcabab
output: No
HashMap -> {"abc":3, "ab":2, "abca":1}
String: abcx
output: No

  • Write a Program to display Command Line Arguments in Python
  • Write a program to find biggest and smallest of given 3 numbers from the command prompt
  • Write a program to reverse the given string
  • Write a program to reverse order of words Ex. "Python is easy" Output" "Easy is Python"
  • Write a program to reverse content of every word . Ex: Python Solution Output: nohtoP noituloS
  • Write a program to print characters at odd position and even position for the given String?
  • Write a program to sort the characters of string and first alphabet symbols followed by numeric values
  • Write a program to perform the following  : Input- b2h3a1   Output:dkb
  • Write a program to eliminate duplicates from the list
  • Write a program to create a lambda function to find square of the number?
  • Program to filter only even numbers from the list by using filter() function?
  • There are several words in a file. Get the occurrence of every word and sort it based on the occurrence, if more than one word is having same occurrence than sort it alphabetically.
  • Take THREE arrays,like arr1={1,3,5,7,9}; arr2={1,2,3,5,4,1,8,9,7};arr3={1,3,5,7,9,2,1,4,6,5,8};Now find out the Duplicates of First two(arr1,arr2) arrays and store it in new another array arr4(should contain only duplicates,no unique elements).Now compare arr3 with arr4.You should return only UNIQUE elements from both of the array.If found, return it, else return -1.
  • Find the first unique occurrence of a word in a file.
    The function should return the first unique occurrence of word taking file name as input.

    Also what will be the efficient data structure if the first no-repeating word is at the end of file.
  • Given a list of strings. Check whether any two strings, if concatenated will form palindrome or not.
  • WAP fibonoci series using recursion and after completion asked to to write using iteration.
  • Given a list of files. Return all the unique lines from all files.
  • Write a function to perform string replace without using any inbuilt functions.
  • Write a program to find whether a given number is a perfect square or not. You can only use addition and subtraction operation to find a solution with min. complexity.

    i/p : 25
    o/p : True

    i/p : 44
    o/p: False
  • Write a list comprehension to produce below list as output  
[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256]
  • Write a range() function to produce below values as output
  1. 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, −2, −4, −6, −8
  2. 50, 60, 70, 80

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